Mounting instructions
Follow our mounting instructions to easily install your house number to the wall. Make sure to download and print a mounting template for your digit first!
Download your mounting template first

1. Position and level the mounting template

2. Attach the template to your wall with removable tape

3. Mark the mounting holes with a center pin

4. Drill the holes with a drill Ø6 & insert plugs

5. Cut the carbon wire to the desired length (6 cm recommended)

6. Insert a drip of glue in the hole at the back of your digit

7. Insert the black pin

8. Once the glue is dry, add some grease or soap to the pins

9. Repeat step 6 & 7 for every hole. Gently push the pins in the wall until fixed & retouch the wall if needed
Alternative: glue
Alternatively, you can also glue your number to the wall. In case you don’t want any spacing between your digit and the wall, glue the digits directly to your wall.
Please use glue which is suitable for the materials.